with team:
Ingrid Hou
Sholo Wang
Christ Wang
Jiaxing as a growing city, one hour far from ShangHai has the reputation of a green city.
conforming with the local feature, the landscape proposal for the residential area reconsider the limits of the project to combine with a much bigger landscape scale: the public park on the south on the other side of the river.
the project virtually mend the public and the private areas by a green woven macro apparatus. oppositely, the development around the pound proposes to organically regenerate a natural environmental settings.
the biotope merges the pond and the land with varieties of edges including:
- reeds
- green embankments
- pebble beach
- crying trees
- ...
and floating decks for the observation of the ecosystem.





main longitudinal pattern of the woven structure visually linking the private compound area and the public park over the pond.

background image is a reference

backgroundimage is a reference

background image is here for illustration

background image is here for illustration

background image is here as an illustration

background image is here as an illustration

background images are here as illustrations

background image is here for illustration

reed fields laterally delimit the water area and realizes the habitat of biodiversity

a pebble beach on the south along the public park side.

a pattern of isolated trees overlap the woven vegetal apparatus.

the trees define a vertical space, a virtual ceiling, a relation with the sky depending of the kind of leaves and the permeability to the light.

another important aspect of the trees selection dependend of the kind of leaves, the movement and vibration under the wind and the created rustling.

Willow trees match with the lake area, creating a romantic atmosphere.

hedge of the woven secondary apparatus, isolated tree and green room.

background image as an illustration

swans are the visible part of the animal integration in the park.

flowers fields bring colors in the composition, parfumes, butterflies and insects.

the landscape design is generated by the needs of biodiversity